The TOP EXPO CZ agency is known for its activities in the areas of building industry, transportation and power, engineering. Their activities further include organising and holding conferences, professional panels and round tables that respond to current topics.
Miloslava Veselá, director of the agency, points out: “For some time, we have felt a strong deficit of mutual communication. We see that there is no dialogue between public administration and the private sector. That is why we are, alongside the conferences, enriching our programme structure from a conceptual point of view by practical events. What really proves successful are business trips to interesting destinations, visits to specialised trade fairs and excursions, which form a basis of further opportunity for long term co-operation. From a conceptual point of view, we communicate preparation of the programme with state institutions and also consult about the content of the programme with the relevant embassy so that it corresponds with the specialisation of that particular segment.”
The plan that the agency has been enforcing over the long term was also evident from the9th year of the international conference European High-rise Buildings organised within the premises of City Tower in Prague 4 – Pankrác, this time focusing on intelligent technologies.